We believe the Bible is the perfect inerrant Word of God. The Holy Bible is completely free from error from beginning to end. We believe the Bible is our sole Authority for our faith and our service.

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(1) We believe the Bible is the perfect inerrant Word of God.

The Holy Bible is completely free from error from beginning to end. We believe the Bible is our sole Authority for our faith and our service.(2 Timothy 3:13-17) (John1:1-14)

(2) We believe that salvation is only through Jesus Christ.

Only through the Gospel, which is the death, burial, and resurrection of Jesus Christ can we be saved from sin. We believe that Jesus died for all and only through the shed blood of Jesus can we receive the remission of sin. We believe the Holy Spirit convicts all of their sin, and that through (1) repentance of your heart, (2) confessing this truth with your mouth, and (3) believing in your heart, then you will be born again as a child of God. We do not believe in any type of a work or religion can save you.(1 Corinthians 15:1-4) (Ephesians 2:8-9) 

(3) We believe in the eternal salvation of all believers.

We believe that when a person puts complete trusts in Christ, they are forever kept by the power of God and can never be lost. Salvation is truly everlasting life. However, those who have trusted Christ are His and will obey Him and His Word. We do not believe a person can live any way they so desire and be saved. The Bible clearly teaches a truly saved person will be a new creature in Christ. (2 Corinthians 5:17) (Romans 1:16) 

(4) We believe in the Bible doctrine of the Trinity.

We believe in the trinity as one God, co-existing as three persons: The Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. It is the father who planned our salvation, his Son Jesus who provided our forgiveness and the Spirit of God who convicts and seals our state before God.(1 John 5:7) (1 Peter 1-2)

(5) We believe that the local New Testament Church is ordained directly by God for His desired commission.

We believe that God’s plan of loving the world is done through the local individual bodies of believers (the Church) in which, God uses to carry out the Great Commission to the world.(Acts 2:41-47) (Matthew 28:18-20)

(6) We believe the first ordinance of the Church is water Baptism. This is our first step of obedience in our walk with Christ.

We do not believe that water Baptism has any saving ability. We believe that it is a public profession of faith in Jesus. It also identifies us as a follower of Jesus as well as in submission to God’s will.(Matthew 28:18-20) (Acts 2:38) 

(7) We believe the second ordinance of the Church is the Lord’s Supper

We do not believe there is any saving grace as to partaking in the Lord’s Supper. However, we do believe that it is only for believers who examine themselves to be found worthy to partake. Taking the Lord’s Supper unworthy, openly living in unconfessed sin, can heap damnation upon you. We believe this ordinance is to be done at the discretion of the Elders as often as needed in remembrance of Christ’s supreme sacrifice at the crucifixion. It should be done as according to the Last Supper in the upper room with the disciples.(1 Corinthians 11: 23-34) (Matthew 26:26-32)

(8) We believe our purpose in salvation is to become disciples of Jesus and help carry out the Great Commission.

We are to actively take part in the Great Commission of Jesus Christ to his disciples and to us as well. We are to tell everyone the Gospel, baptize all converts, make disciples, cast out demons, and lay hands on the sick so they can recover.(Mathew 28:18-20) (Mark 16:15-18)

 (9) We believe the Bible clearly teaches that each believer after conversion, should be filled or Baptized with the Holy Spirit.

Although this is separate from salvation, we do believe this is of vital importance and should be taught to all believers. Jesus, Peter, and Paul all taught this to New Testament Christians. Just as Jesus was filled, led and then empowered by the Holy Spirit we too should follow His example. The baptism of the Holy Spirit gives the Christian the power to overcome the enemy.(Luke 4 1-14) (Acts 1:1-8) (Acts19:1-7)

(10) We believe that every believer has a part in the great commission.

Jesus said, “Go into all the world and preach the gospel to every creature. He that believeth and is baptized shall be save; but he that believeth not shall be damned. And these signs shall follow them that believe; In my name shall they cast out devils; they shall speak with new tongues; They shall take up serpents; and if they drink any deadly thing, it shall not hurt them; they shall lay hands on the sick, and they shall recover. (Mark 16:15-18) We are to do our part in every aspect of this commission. We believe the supernatural miracles that happened in New Testament are still relevant until Jesus returns.(Matthew 28 :18-20) (Acts 1:8)